Alan Saret’s Instant KARMA


Karma Gallery hosted the eagerly anticipated opening of “Allies,” a body of works by artist Alan Saret, April 21 at its 22 E. 2nd St. gallery.

Saret’s monolithic sculptures dominated the space while simultaneously creating space. His metal works took crazy twists and turns forcing the viewer's eyes in many directions and causing them to travel to another piece close by. Saret constructs fundamentally sound and poignant sculptural works of art, using everyday objects such as chicken wire.

We found the artist in the back room of the gallery surrounded by his works on paper. The artist, apparently of little words, seemed to prefer to let his work make the statements. Wearing a simple yellow hoodie for the occasion, Saret declined a photo simply stating ‘he did not photograph well’ and we respected his wishes. When asked how long the average piece took, his simple reply was “it varys.”

The gallery, a neighborhood institution often credited with sparking that art renaissance along The B, is located on 2 Ave between A & B. Those who attended the opening had the opportunity to meet the artist and converse with his long-time fans.

J. Scott Orr

J. Scott Orr is a career writer, editor and recovering political journalist based in New York City. He is the publisher of B Scene Zine: Art from Street to Elite. His work has appear in Ocula, Whitehot Magazine, UP Magazine, The Lo-Down, Sculpture, Artefuse, and Art511.

Instagram: @bscenezine


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